heater core 84 4kq

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Sun Nov 27 15:07:35 EST 2005

> I need to change the heater core on my 84 4kq.  The manual makes it
> sound too easy to be true.  Any known surprises in store for me?

It's not too bad... depending.  You pull the glovebox out, breaking the 
plastic pins that locate into the center console, if they weren't 
already.  Then, technically, you could just undo the hose clamps, run 
and get a towel to catch the coolant dripping on the carpet, and figure 
out how to get the core out past the AC evaporator.

If the evap. is gone (or AC dead/deleted) the job is not too bad.

I'd recommend replacing the three heater hoses at the same time, and 
check out how solid the valve looks.

Huw Powell



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