type44 rear view mirror repair

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Nov 27 15:39:08 EST 2005

Before you clean off the adhesive (the glues I've used recommend cleaning
with alcohol after scraping like Huw says), take a crayon and mark on the
outside of the windshield where the glue patch is.  Then you can put the
button back onto the same spot.

At 01:58 PM 11/27/2005 -0500, Huw Powell wrote:
>> Adjusted my rear view mirror, and *pop* it just stayed
>> in my hand. The mount came off the windshield, and
>> there's residual adhesive on the windshield. What's
>> the best way to repair? Do I need to remove that
>> adhesive?
>Yes, cut off the residue with a razor blade or knife.  Go to your FLAPS 
>and pick up a rear view mirror adhesive kit (I think these are basically 
>some CA "super glue" - I use the stuff I have for gluing speaker magnets 
>together).  Remove the mirror from the base, glue the base back on, then 
>reinstall the mirror.
>Huw Powell
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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