B3 90q - AC Hoses - Again

Bob Gregory rggpa1 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 28 16:56:16 EST 2005

To those that responsed to my original question, I
have taken the hoses to local hydraulic hose, made
while you wait, type of shops.  They are telling me
that they only have access to non-metric hose and
can't reuse the existing metal tubing and fittings
because the non-metric hose can't be attached to
metric parts without resulting in leaks.

Has any one done this, and/or does anyone know of a
shop in the DE/PA/NJ area that can do this (for a lot
less than $90 @hose assembly)?  How about a shop
anywhere that I can ship the hoses to?

Bob Gregory
88 90q

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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