86 5kcsq still stumbling when cold

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Wed Oct 5 11:00:35 EDT 2005


If I recall correctly, the MTFS is for the temp guage, coolant reservior 
function and AC and some afterrun functions - I forget specifically since 
you need to follow the wiring diagram for this which for this circuit gets a 
little convoluted.  There is a separate temperature sensor for the ECU and 
that is located near the cooling neck/cyl. 1.  MTFS has no effect on engine 
operation AFAIK which is a common misconception - BTDT.

I suspect injectors or seals, especially if the car takes a long time to 
crank before starting  You should check and clean  the air flow sensor 
assembly and checkfor binding while changing the air filter.  Also, you 
should cleaned up or replace the distributor cap and rotor and verifiy plugs 
are in good shape.

Many things can lead to the problem, but best to start with basic tunup 

Codes generally won't be generated unless a specific sensor signal is 
missing or completely out of range, or perhaps detonation detected by knock 


[Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 17:18:33 -0700
From: "Stacy" <qturbo at tiedyed.us>
Subject: RE: 86 5kcsq still stumbling when cold
To: "'Kent McLean'" <kentmclean at mindspring.com>
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: <SKYNET3EXUIEAOeIiGX00000616 at skynet3.skynet.skynet3.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I have pulled the codes on it numerous times when this problem is happening,
and always get 4444. very frustrating, I have not tried pulling the plug on
the MFTS though. That's something to try. Thanks! The 02 sensor is less then
30k old. But. That also could be a problem too. I had thought about the 02
sensor, but discounted it because of it only being at its 'half-life'



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