Three Audis at Daytona Beach U-Pull-It -- Old Audi's going awayain't the half of it

Fred Munro munrof at
Mon Oct 10 07:43:27 EDT 2005

This is happening all over. We had a nifty wrecker north of here that kept
everything; he had cars from the 1920's on up scattered around acres of
bush. I went back a couple years ago to get a '20s Dodge rim and it was all
gone - crushed. I did find a rim on an old chassis they missed but there
wasn't much left. He said the old parts weren't moving and he needed the
cash from the scrap. It makes it very difficult to maintain an old car, but
as loyal North Americans we are not supposed to be doing that; we must
maintain our lifestyle; for the good of all we must consume, consume,
consume...... *eyes glaze over*

Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Jim Jordan
Sent: October 9, 2005 3:33 PM
To: 'Mike Arman'; quattro at
Subject: RE: Three Audis at Daytona Beach U-Pull-It -- Old Audi's going
awayain't the half of it


I was in Dad's Auto Parts in Sacramento the other day;  boy, have they come
up in the world since their wrecking yard in Rancho Cordova.  Their lobby is
just like a real dealer.  They specialize in Audi parts and seem to do a
good job of shipping all over;  they have very few drop ins like I was.  I
asked if they wanted to buy my 81 5KT which I've had since it was new.  The
guy laughed and said they crushed every car older than ~1990.  That tells me
that 43's and 44's are being eliminated as far as parts are concerned.

The used parts dealers are far more about business today than they were in
the past and their prices reflect it.

I'm going to have to upgrade or find it increasingly hard to get used parts.


Jim Jordan

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