Ignition timing 90 200 TQ

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Thu Oct 13 13:04:21 EDT 2005

> From: "Huppert, Eric" <Eric.Huppert at ny.ngb.army.mil>
> Subject: Ignition timing 90 200 TQ
> To: "'quattro at audifans.com'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<C682EC65A20D9545AA508F09685344DE1672DB at ny-36203- 
> xch00.ny.ngb.army.mil>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Gentlemen,
> Looking for ignition timing specs and procedure for a 90 200TQ. Pulled
> distributor out and need to get a light on it. Have looked on-line and  
> in
> some other places but no info...
> So, looking to set the timing with a light... Thoughts, details??
> Eric

Hmm, you seem to know all the particulars so I'm surprised that you  
don't know this one but in any case there is no timing to set. Timing  
is determined by the crank position sensor. You can put a light on it  
just for kicks but that's all. As for proper installation of the  
distributor, set engine to TDC +1, take off cap, rotor, and the little  
plastic cover over the innards of the distributor, align the mark on  
the trigger wheel with the mark on the edge of the distributor body,  
reassemble, enjoy. Other than sending the spark to the right plug, the  
only thing that the distributor does is tell the ECU when the #1  
cylinder is firing. See  
http://www.sjmautotechnik.com/trouble_shooting/eng.html#mc for more  

Roy Wendell
Morgantown WV, USA
turbo quattro type 44 times 3

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