clicking/ticking noise...'88 90Q...199k

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Thu Oct 13 23:38:55 EDT 2005

Sounds like lifters, but it could be exhaust as suggested. How long does the noise last? Does it continue but quieter when warm? Does it come back if you drive the heck out of it warm? 
Either way, it isn't really something detrimental to the engine. If it's exhaust, you will just have to find the leak and determine what needs to be replaced. If it's the lifters (at 199k, I wouldn't be surprised) you have to pull the timing belt and valve cover, then the camshaft. Usually recommended to do the oil pump as well, but sometimes it's not necessary. If you are looking to do this, you should hook up a good mechanical gauge, and determine if the oil pressure is within spec.
Tony Hoffman

Walter Ikamba <ikamba1 at> wrote:
there's a really worrisome ticking/clicking noise that i hear from my car that suddenly disappears when the car warms up....i suspect it has something to do with the lifter/springs on the valves....the noise is louder when oil pressure is low during the heating up phase and then disappears once the oil pressure is up and the cars heated up...anyone any i need an overhaul?? to replace the lifters??

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