[urq] Setting one's sights ...

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Fri Oct 14 20:02:00 EDT 2005


Since I don't understand German I couldn't gather much from the 
conversations going on around this car.  Best guess is it was built by MTM, 
or someone that works for them, and is not an original Sport Quattro.

As far as weight distribution, Dan..... well, that's never been very good on 
an Audi. (Quattro or otherwise)  The V8 engine weighs less than an iron 
5-cylinder by roughly 63 lbs.  I have no idea what an aluminum 5-cyl weighs 
fully assembled.  I've picked up one of the aluminum blocks and it's got to 
be ~50 lbs lighter than the same thing in iron.

The thing that still screws up the handling is having all the weight hanging 
out at the very ends of the vehicle.  Concentrating it within the wheelbase 
is the only way to truly improve the beast.  When Audi, or at least the 
folks from Quattro GMbH, tried doing that it never received the support of 
upper management and never went into production. See: 

Another 'EVIL' sounding vehicle that seemed to have at least a 
graphics-connection to MTM was this wagon: 
http://5000tq.com/audifanspics/Ingolstadt/DSCN2746  It sounded like 
something straight off a NASCAR track, but better!  The driver came 'round 
the corner during the parade of vehicles and floored it.  The car went 
sideways and they stayed on the throttle through the rest of the corner. 
Ahhhhh, that's what I like to see!


p.s.  I really am hoping the owners of some of these vehicles will contact 
me.  I'd gladly put full specs and additional information with the pictures 
if I had it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Hoffman"
Subject: Re: [urq] Setting one's sights ...

> Does anyone have info on this one? Is this a homemade SportQ, or an 
> original?
> Pretty damn cool either way!
> Tony Hoffman
> urq <urq at pacbell.net> wrote:
> http://5000tq.com/audifanspics/Ingolstadt/DSCN2961

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