[urq] hesitation, bucking on takeoff - not resolved yet!

DGraber460@aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Wed Oct 19 21:17:31 EDT 2005

This has got be electrical. Even if the fuel is cutting off it has to  be an 
electrical issue shutting it down.
In my recent encounters (and continuing) with my recently acquired Black  
Beast, the 3 things that made significant improvements were
1) Wire brush and renew the ground for ECU at rear of intake  manifold
2) Wire brush and renew the ground connector at the front pole of the coil  
(and the ground at the coil base.
3) Wire brush and renew the connector at Air temp sensor
(I used Caig magic goo on all of these.)
With these _very mildly_ corroded, my car would not take any boost over  
~3800 RPM. It would buck and cutout being almost as you say "undriveable"  at 
those RPM.  
I don't think any of these will solve your issue except the air  temp sensor. 
If that is not perfect, bad things will happen with Mr. ECU.
If you have ever gone up with anyone getting air time for an instrument  
rated pilots license it gives you a great concept of what our ECU's  life is like. 
The ECU is flying absolutely blind, and needs perfect  information from every 
sensor or it will give a totally bogus output.
Does the tach needle bounce when this is happening? If so, that points  to 
spark issues.
I never did solve the bi-annual bucking/cut out/die on the road issue of my  
now murdered URQ. During those episodes the tach would bounce violently as the 
 car bucked and backfired and finally quit altogether. After shutting 
ignition  off and "rebooting" the computer it would run fine for another 6 months  or 
Good luck and keep us posted.
Dennis Graber

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