'99-02 s4 issues?
c dyer
cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 21 12:03:39 EDT 2005
10-4. For better/worse, my commute is now 75 mi./day
vs. my old 7.5 mi./day. This is why I'm checking out
newer cars w/auto trannies. (L.A. ya know...) But I
still haven't ruled out fixing up/semi-restoring the
ol' type44.
Thanks for the advice!
--- Tony Hoffman <tfh400036 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> The 5000 will be cheaper in the long run, but the S4
> is faster. And, when in good condition, more fun
> overall.
> Yes, control arm issues. Also, cooling issues. Make
> sure to use a VERY good oil in it. By 2005, 19% of
> all S4 biturbos had blown the original engine.
> That's according to Audi, so any others done private
> party aren't counted as well. Most Audi techs
> attribute it to heat in the relatively small engine
> compartment. The A6 2.7's didn't have the same
> problems, so there is some merit to this.
> Anyhow, go drive an S4 and see if you like it
> overall. Try to be as objective as you can. I know
> new cars are great to get. I've got the same
> disease, probably worse than most. I've gotten three
> new (5000 Turbos) in the last month. However, also
> remember a new car is only new for about two months.
> Anyhow, nothing severe in the S4's other than that.
> Also, try to get one stock or driven by someone
> older.
> Tony Hoffman
> c dyer <cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Aside from the usual used car caveats, any specific
> to
> the '99-02 s4's? Didn't that generation a4 have
> disposible control arms? Same for the s4's? BTDT's?
> thanks
> ...to restore the '87 5ktq or not...
> Chris Dyer
> (310) 479-0060 home
> (310) 567-9863 cell
> 866 Westgate Ave. #8
> Los Angeles, CA 90049
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Chris Dyer
(310) 479-0060 home
(310) 567-9863 cell
866 Westgate Ave. #8
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