'82 Tresser UrQ Value?

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Sun Oct 23 13:35:49 EDT 2005

At 12:59 PM 10/23/2005 -0400, James C. Foster wrote:

>I have an opportunity to buy an '82 Tresser UrQ. The person is a second
>owner and the car has been in storage for about 8yrs. The car is not running
>right now and when it was put into storage it wasn't running very well and
>that is how it was left. All opinions are welcome. I will answer any
>questions to the best of my ability.

I'm not enamored of the Treser modified urq's.  It may be impossible to 
find the special sized tires required for the TRX wheels.  The body kit is 
OK looking, but no one knows what modifications were done to the 
engine.  If it was running poorly then, then the situation will be worse 
today.  The Treser steering wheel and instrument panel were not things of 
beauty and not worthy of a premium price.  But if it trips your trigger, so 
be it.


'83 urquattro #302

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