[q-list] what would you rather have?

Mike LaRosa mrmotoguzzi00 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 28 10:55:39 EDT 2005

hhhmmm,. let's see...

CQ is a Quattro 2 door coupe, 5 speed(Not usre if auto
was available) 2.3 liter 5 cyl with 4 valve cylinder
heads,  like's revs to get power, about 160-170hp I

The 90 CS Quattro is 4 door 5 speed quattro, 2.8 liter
v6 2 valve heads, about 176hp,  has decent power at
all rev's.

For a practical driver ?  the 4 door is certainly more
practical to transport humans,  but the Coupe will
swallow bigger stuff in the hatch.

This help ?

93 100 csqa  (CSQuattro Avant=Wagon)

--- Jason Kohls <jasonkohls at gmail.com> wrote:

> I hope I don't start a religious war here, but I'm
> torn right now;
> there's a 1993 Audi 90 CS Quattro with 128K KM on it
> for sale for
> about 5000 as is.  To safety, it needs the front
> brakes done and the
> handbrake replaced -- say $800 (the brake parts were
> around $500, I'm
> thinking 300 for labour at 55/hr -- could be way off
> here.  Feel free
> to jump in.).  The exhaust is going to be an issue
> in the next year or
> two as well.
> There's a 1990 Audi Quattro Coupe for sale at a
> dealership for $5400
> e-cert. and safetied, with work done on just about
> everything I could
> think of: brakes, rotors, timing belt, distributor,
> clutch, etc. with
> 210K KM on it.
> Spec/review wise, I've heard really good things
> about the 90 and so-so
> things about the CQ: anyone care to jump in?
> I'm new to the Audi game but I'm in love... and
> confused.
> For all the Audi vets out there, what would you
> take?   To qualify, my
> tastes are definitely not refined; I've been driving
> pickup trucks and
> a Taurus for the last 10 years, so its more of a
> matter of reliability
> and investment here (I plan on babying either car). 
> As for my
> intentions, I'm not autocrossing or anything, just
> looking for a
> comfortable daily driver.
> Thanks
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