99 A4 brake wear indicator light

jesper moreau jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 09:11:35 EDT 2005

And you can get replacement pads with wear sensors in them for audis. Even 
high performance ones. I currently am using mintex redbox pads that have the 
wear sensors. FYI on your next pad change.

On 9/3/05, Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
> Put a jumper between the contact points in the wire from the fenderwell to
> the caliper where the sensor wire is supposed to go. Some folks have used
> a paperclip. The wire in the pads maintains a circuit that gets broken
> when the pads wear past the sensor point. The open circuit triggers the
> signal on the dash. The jumper maintains the circuit in the absence of a
> sensor-type pad.
> At 07:43 PM 9/3/2005 -0600, RICHARD KROL wrote:
> >How do you reset the brake wear indicator light. The replacement pads do
> >not have the wear pad for the warning system. The wires appear to be a
> >continuous loop. Do you have to reset the warning light somehow?
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Jesper Moreau
'88 5KTQ rocket
'86 5KTQ stocket

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