blink-blink-blink vs blinkblinkblink

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Sep 13 16:44:32 EDT 2005

cobram at wrote:
 > Kent McLean <kentmclean at> writes:
 >>My guess is that, even though I cleaned the bottom contacts of
 >>the socket with a pencil eraser, the act of repeatedly installing
 > Best thing I've found to clean these holes out is a 1/2 inch copper
 > pipe cleaning brush, the kind they sell at Home Depot et al for
 > around $2. Tailight on the Mercyless Benz wagon was driving me nuts
 > too, until I got in there and cleaned it out with this.

My first attempt was with the pencil eraser.  But I had some
fine grit wet-dry sandpaper, so I cut it into some 1/4" x 2"
(3mm x 50 mm) strips.  I placed the sand paper strip into the
socket, held it down with the blunt end of the pencil, and
pulled on the strip, dragging it across the contacts.  End
result -- clean shiny contacts, easy as pie. But it didn't
do much for the side walls of the socket.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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