Fwd: For Sale '89 Audi

Cat ^. .^ ~ iceisit at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 14 21:16:31 EDT 2005

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bruce alen wrote:
>Hello Dear Seller, I am Mr Bruce,Interested in purchasing your above 
>mention item for sale.Kindly get back to me with the name,the asking 
>price,the current condition and the pics of it if any available.The 
>mode of payment will be through a US Cheque or US Banker's Draft 
>Cheque.So if this is accepted then kindly get back to me with the 
>full name to issue the cheque to,the full address to send the cheque 
>to and the full contacvt home,office and mobile phone number to 
>contact you on when the cheque is sent to you ok.Kindly get back to 
>me with all this details so that to issue you the check fast and 
>also your best price..

I only take * CASH * and and I only sell to U.S. Citizens,  THEN we 
go together to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles at time of sale for title 
First you had better send me YOUR name, physical address, license 
number, state issued,  and proof of insurance, etc., etc.
Then maybe I'll think about it!

>  Cheers And Have A Nice Week........ Mr Bruce........

Cheers,  Fay
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Any body else on the list get correspondence like this ???

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