Typ 89 front subframe bushings R@R question

radek@istar.ca radek at istar.ca
Fri Sep 16 10:35:48 EDT 2005

Thank you guys for your suggestions.  Just to clarify:  the items that have been replaced,

have been replaced due to normal wear, before the "clunk" in the steering developed.  
So I know that the struts and control arms are good, including sway bar bushings.  
However, I didn't know about  issues with the steering rack attachment points 
(thanks Kneale!) - that's the thing I'm going to check on the weekend.  If it isn't that, 
I guess the only remaining suspects are the subframe bushings.  
I'll report on my findings.
Thanks again and have a good weekend.

88 90Q
91 V8Q 5-sp

> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 18:44:15 -0500
> From: Max Wellhouse <maxjoyce at ipa.net>
> Subject: Re: Typ 89 front subframe bushings R at R question
> To: Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net>, radek at istar.ca,
> 	quattro at audifans.com
> Message-ID: < at pop.ipa.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> Our 94 T/C minivan has a similar clunk and it turned out to be the 
> sway bar bushings.  Good luck  Clunks are often harder to find than sqeaks!!
> At 09:33 AM 9/15/2005, Kneale Brownson wrote:
> >Not an 80-90 owner, but wasn't there an issue on these with where the
> >steering rack bolts down on one end?  I seem to recall someone posting
> >about the sheetmetal anchorage for the rack weakening and fracturing
> >similar to the clutch anchorage.
> >
> >At 10:15 AM 9/15/2005 +0000, radek at istar.ca wrote:
> > >Hi guys;
> > >
> > >How much work is it to replace the front subframe bushings on an 88 90Q?
> > >The car has
> > >developed a
> > >nasty jolt in the steering, most noticeable when stationary.  You turn the
> > >wheel and it
> > >goes "clunk",
> > >something gives or relocates with a metalic sound.  Having replaced top
> > >strut mounts,
> > >control arm
> > >bushings, ball joints and complete tie rods, I suspect either the steering
> > >rack itself of
> > >subframe
> > >bushings.  Or is there anything else I should take a look at?  Any input
> > >will be greatly
> > >appreciated.
> > >TIA.
> > >
> > >Radek
> > >88 90Q
> > >91 V8Q 5-sp.

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