insurance company hell with 4kq

mike mikemk40 at
Wed Sep 21 06:15:27 EDT 2005


Whilst I don’t think I have ever defended an insurance
company before as many have had horrific experiences
with them.....

You buy a car for $1100, a year later it gets written
off and they offer you $1800 and you get to keep the
car. Sounds very reasonable to me.

You then spend hours selectively looking for high
asking price cars, send that info to them and they up
the offer to $2400. Sounds very very reasonable to me.

Don’t quite see where they tried to screw you, if
anything the selective looking for high asking price
cars makes the screwing the other way round but hey
it’s only an insurance company


--- Nathan Ray <skimaster77 at> wrote:

> Just thought I would give an update to everybody on
> what happened with my 
> Quattro.  In june a woman turned in front of me at a
> light and banged up the 
> front of my 4kq.  Her insurance company, State Farm,
> accepted liability for 
> the accident and then tried to screw me over.  They
> initially offered me 
> about $1800 for the car which was not satasfactory
> considering all of the 
> work I had put into it.  The claim wasn't finally
> resolved until a couple of 
> weeks ago.  It was totaled, which is a major pita
> because WA DOL revoked the 
> registration on it and I now have to make an
> appointment to have it 
> reinspected by the WSP, their hours are like
> 10am-3pm monday to thursday, 
> during which time I am always in class.  I spent
> hours of reasearch online 
> finding other quattros for sale with prices that
> were high enough to make 
> mine look more valuable.  Once I compiled all of
> this and sent it to state 
> farm it took them a month to get back to me because
> the claims adjuster went 
> on vacation.  In the end I got almost $2400 for the
> car, which is reasonable 
> considering that I bought it a year ago for $1100
> and put about $800 in 
> parts into it.  State farm did not give the
> slightest dam about any of the 
> reciepts that I had for parts.  This turned out to
> be one of the biggest 
> hassle in my whole life, and finding another quattro
> has been tough.
> Nate Ray
> Spokane, WA
> no longer road legal, but still driven daily 86'
> 4kcsq

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