NAC RE: Farewell after 7+ years
David Glubrecht
daveglu at
Thu Sep 22 13:20:32 EDT 2005
"Buy American" HA, this attitude has only been harmfull to amreican car
manufacturers, believing they don't have top compete against foreign cars
lead to the SH!T they produced in the eightie's and they are still playin
catch up. AND trying to fill a market (large SUV's) that certainly is
unsustainable. While I agree that the SUV market has been good to them, who
would have thought gas prices would eventually catch up to them?
Dave G
> Yeah, I heard on the radio about Chrysler 'outsourcing' minivan production
> to China....WTF? Gives 'Buy American' even less reason....
> -Adam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:39 PM
> To: Todd Young
> Cc: Quattro List
> Subject: Re: Farewell after 7+ years
> On Sep 21, 2005, at 6:37 PM, Todd Young wrote:
>> and a German designed body (Ford hired some designer from VW for the
>> Five Hundred).....
> Ah. I was wondering why it looked like a big Passat. Is it just me, or
> do they ride extremely high?
> Well, at least it's not a GM; NPR was just covering how GM is virtually
> strangling their suppliers, and in the next few days is expected to demand
> a ~20% cost cut from suppliers. The smart suppliers have been switching
> to supply Toyota, Honda, etc. The dumb ones are sticking with GM, and GM
> is demanding measures like "outsourcing" the work to Mexico, China, and
> other strongholds of quality. Won't it be a sad day when a Japanese car
> has more USA-made parts than a GM?
> B
> --
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