4000 CS stumble on way to redline

Louis_Alain_Richard@computerhorizons.com Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
Thu Sep 22 15:25:49 EDT 2005

According to certain sources (this means I don't remember who !), the fuel
pump relay is also responsible for the fuel cutoff by counting the number
of pulses from the coil. So, if your car has the wrong relay from a 4
cylinder car, then your 5 cylinder engine will makes it thinks it is
overreving and the relay will shut some fuel delivery. To begin, I would
check the part number on the fuel pump relay, just to rule out a simple
cause before going deeper in the mechanical bits.

The correct fuel pump relay for a car like yours is 321 906 059F.

Louis-Alain, shooting in the dark...

             Eric Henning                                                  
             <spiders_2000 at yah                                             
             oo.com>                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  quattro at audifans.com                
             quattro-bounces at a                                          cc 
                                       4000 CS stumble on way to redline   
             2005-09-22 15:14                                              

 I was giving my recently acquired 86 4000CS (2.2 l)an
Italian tune up (wind the pi*s of of the engine to
redline) and right at 5000 rpm (redline is 6500 I
beleive) the engnien starts to stumble terribly.
Otherwise runs very smoothly.  Has new plugs and
wires, new air filter,  cap and rotor look a little
worn, no idea how old timing belt is (yes, I know I
should replace).  Maybe starved for fuel?  tiimg belt
stretching? Any other ideas?  Engine has 155,000
miles.  Engine compression for all 5 cyclinders is
between 153 and 155psi.

86 4000CS
Doylestown PA

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