4000 CS stumble on way to redline

Brendan mailinglist at endosquid.com
Thu Sep 22 19:56:12 EDT 2005

On Thursday 22 September 2005 04:32 pm, Shawn Manny wrote:
> On 9/22/05, cobram at juno.com <cobram at juno.com> wrote:
> > Eric Henning <spiders_2000 at yahoo.com> writes:
> > > I was giving my recently acquired 86 4000CS (2.2 l)an
> > > Italian tune up (wind the pi*s of of the engine to
> > > redline) and right at 5000 rpm (redline is 6500 I
> > > believe)
> >
> > That's a (insert your Preferred natiOnaLity here to keep the pc polIce on
> > the liSt Here from flooding my mailbox) tune up, an Italian tune up is
> > when you drive the piss out of it to blow the cobwebs out.

> I agree with the fuel pump relay notion..get one for a 5 banger

From my limited experience, once the fuel is shut off (via relay cut-off) the 
car does not "stumble" so much as hit a wall and then rev-down. Yes, I have 
done it many times. No stumble, just rooooooooom-thunk-moooooooor. If that is 
too technical, email off-list for a better explanation.

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