veggie oil?? (was RE: Audi 5000 Diesel conversion)

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Sep 25 10:57:41 EDT 2005

mike wrote:
 > Don’t forget, in the UK we pay very high fuel duty,
 > whilst you yanks are screaming about $3/gall we pay
 > £1/litre (which assuming 5l = gall, £1 = $1.70 and the
 > US gall = UK gall) works out at $8.50/gall

But how many miles per year do you drive?

Many Americans have long commutes to work. I once commuted
115 miles -- one way -- to work. Every day. That was about
58K miles *per year*. That is unusual, but I hear some people
in California do more than that, to find affordable housing.

For Europeans, 100 miles is far.
For Americans, 100 MPH is fast.

To give a comparison of size, England is roughly the same
area as the state of New York (50,352 vs. 48,708 sq miles).

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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