veggie oil?? (was RE: Audi 5000 Diesel conversion)

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Sep 25 13:43:00 EDT 2005

Franco Barber wrote:
 > - the article focused on "colza" oil.
 > a) After only 7300 km the test had to stop because the vehicle
 > lost power.
 > The pictures of the engine aren't pretty.  Build up everywhere,
 > pistons, injectors, valves, turbo, etc.

I'm not surprised. Regular dino oil used to have similar sludge
build-up problems. And gasoline would carbon coke your pistons.
Over the course of 100 years, the problems had been identified,
studied, and solutions provided so that modern gas and synthetic
oils don't have those issues.  I'm sure with more study and
refinement, problems with vegetable oils can be overcome.

The questions become economic ones, and to address the need for
a country's reliance on foreign oil imports.

I wouldn't cancel the project just because it is not perfect
right from the start.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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