Marketplace messages from Jim Fleischer

Emre Washburn yumyjager at
Mon Sep 26 19:57:28 EDT 2005

You're a bit late on this one John. I (and I'm sure others have as well)
sent Jim a private e-mail and he has already deleted the ad.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty!

On 9/26/05, John Larson <j.d.larson at> wrote:
> The ad:
> "Section: Cars
> Title: Do Not Buy From Joe Marconi X2
> Price: 0.00
> Location: USA
> Date: September 26, 2005
> Contact: Jim Fleischer
> Email: jim at
> Phone:
> Description:
> Below is the e-mail he returned to me, proving he is butchering
> perfectly good cars. For the love of Audis everywhere, please do not
> support this anti-Audifan!
> My email to him......
> Hi Joe,
> Interested in what is left of the car. Was it
> running when you parted it? Body Panels in good
> shape? Glass? Wheels? What's left of it? Thanks
> His reply.....
> I have basically everything you just listed and a ton
> more. I have only just begun to part her out last
> week.
> The car runs great. I'am out to make money off a
> small investment. The car is worth more in parts
> than in whole.
> Let me know what you want. I could make up some
> package deals for you. Give me a call.
> Regards,
> Joe marconi
> Toledo, Ohio 419-472-7464
> This is his idea of making money.....butchering perfectly good cars that
> some real audifan would love and respect. Do what you need to make your
> beloved Audi as you want it, but please don't support this guy. Thanks
> all.
> Jim Fleischer"
> My patience with marketplace messages such as this one is reaching the
> limit. Kinda sounds like a local VW "freak" (in every sense of the
> word) who was appalled to find that our local VW boneyard wasn't keeping
> all that old cr*p under a roof! Get real, Jim! You want to preserve
> what you consider to be "good" cars, why don't you put your money where
> your mouth is? You could have bought that car before Joe did. In fact,
> why not buy 'em all! I know my wife and my business partner would BOTH
> be absolutely ECSTATIC to have you pick up the various good runners I
> have here. In fact, you buy 'em all and I'll treat you to a real Santa
> Maria Style dinner before you leave with your 2 or 3 truckloads of cars.
> Seen "Sideways"? I'll take you to The Hitching Post"! Bring cash, as
> I don't take Western Union money orders, cashiers checks, or out of
> state checks, and I won't send you the difference. I will, however, in
> the interests of preservation, make you a small package discount on the
> lot. John Larson
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