Coupe GT *Saga*

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Sep 27 08:21:40 EDT 2005

Andrew Butitta wrote:
 > Okay, well then.. what do you think? Haggle for a
 > cheaper (more realistic!!) price, or cancel and face
 > this mechanic's mandatory "free" inspection charge of
 > $73 and try and find exhaust service elsewhere?

Pricing: do a sanity check. Call around to see what it would
cost to replace everything the "mechanic" says needs to be
replaced. In addition to the suppliers Paul suggested, try (since the link to parts.php
comes up empty).

The work: replacing an exhaust system is hard, dirty work,
but it isn't rocket science. If you have space to work, soak
the rusted nuts overnight with PB Blaster or Kroil, remove
the old parts, and put the new ones on. Take pictures or
notes so you can put it back together the same way.

Canceling: What told you it was "free"? Was it verbal? Did
they advertise it? Did it say "free, with purchase"? If you
truly understood it to be a free inspection with no strings
attached, then pay with a credit card, and when the bill
comes in, dispute it and let the mechanic know why.

My 2 cents.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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