another wild goose hunt for a little plastic bit

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at
Wed Apr 5 10:47:12 EDT 2006

DeWitt Harrison wrote:

>Has it come to the bailing wire and chewing gum phase
>of 5000 maintenance already? Where have all those years

>Well, I'm not quite ready yet. I got a close look at that
>little plastic ball socket today and was able to make out
>the p/n as 443 837 171. It may be NLA but it's worth
>a shot.

Please let us know how that goes.   I recently got a set of four 17mm
serrated hex flange nuts (for the forward trapezoidal arm mounts) for my '87
through the dealer.  He had one on the shelf and had to ship three from Los
Angeles, but I got 'em.  I can't imagine the ball sockets get replaced
*less* frequently than those nuts.  Also, I wonder if anybody makes a
generic connector that will work?

These people seemed interesting.  Are these close to the same part?

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ (still getting parts through the Audi OEM channel)
'86 5KCSTQ (bailing wire and chewing gum ready just in case)

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