Temp Gauge/Warning light 90q
ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 7 12:30:50 EDT 2006
Thanks for reminding me Tihol.
I forgot that this car is equipped with the MFT
sensor. So disregard my description regarding the
sensor location in my previous post.
--- Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday 07 April 2006 03:40, Steve Meyer wrote:
> >> The temp gauge on my '88 90q never goes above the
> >> first line, and my temp warning light comes on
> almost
> >> the instant I start the car. Yes, the coolent
> level is
> >> full.
> > Sounds like the thermostat is broken (frozen
> open).
> An open thermostat lets water continuously
> circulate,
> even when cold, so the water (and engine) doesn't
> get
> up to normal operating temperature.
> Faulty thermostat is possible.
> Also, since your warning light comes on on cold
> engine, the
> multi(mal)function temp sensor is likely faulty.
> It's known to fail and
> cause a faulty warning. It is located underneath
> the Alum flange on the
> front, driver's side of the cyl. head. Typically
> one finds partially
> corroded harness on its lower side due to leaking
> coolant collecting in a
> rubber dust cap. A new Multifunc. temp sensor and a
> repaired harness fixed
> it on my Typ 89 - same as yours - and on a friend's
> Typ 44.
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