88-5kq - Girling rear brakes- Can 38mm be used in place of 36mm?

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sat Apr 8 17:15:23 EDT 2006

... if you mean you replace both rear calipers I'd tend to agree with you 
... but if you replaced only one you will be getting more braking force on 
one side than the other ... my calculations indicate it would be about 5.5% 
more on the 38mm side.  The force applied by the piston is a function of the 
area of the piston's face ...

Probably no big deal, but I'd go with the same calipers on both sides ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

> Both size calipers are interchangeable mechanically.
> Can I use the more popular 38 mm in place of the 36mm?
> It might give me a bit more breaking in the rear. But, since the
> proportioning valve is probably corroded and jammed, I dont think it makes
> much difference if the rear caliper is a 38mm instead of a 36mm.

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