Sourcing Fuel Pump

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at
Wed Apr 19 16:33:54 EDT 2006

Thanks, Louis

Well, the truck engine was a surprise, considering how well it had been
running and the fact that the maintenance was done.  It seems (and sounded
like) a catastrophic failure of the rear main bearing at this point.  Motor
stopped cold with a horrible graunch and grind, and it cannot be cranked
-- locked solid.  We've still got to do the teardown to isolate the cause.
And I will have pictures, even though they're not Audi-related...

If you look at the picture Shokan supplies on eBay that is exactly what I
have.  I think the Pierburg needs the plastic sleeve because it's smaller in
diameter than the Bosch unit.  And yes, that "hat canister" on top is a
damper to reduce pulsations coming out of the Bosch pump and is apparently
*not* needed on the Pierburg unit -- it must have a different mechanism for
pumping the fuel that doesn't pulse as much.

The Shipping for my pump was $11 and it arrived very quickly -- only
three days as I recall, once I paid online.  Shokan is in New York State and
I'm in Massachusetts so it's not that far a distance.  Also, if you reside
in New York State you'll have to pay 8% sales tax.

Once I get mine installed I'll update you and the List.


On 4/19/06, L DC <ldc007usa at> wrote:
> Thanks Alex.
> Too bad about the engine blown in your truck. Hey, at
> least it was close to your home.
> Alex wrote:
> > I don't see any reason why it won't work, though.
> > It comes with the plastic sleeve that is supposed to
> > adapt it to the older-style mounting bracket, as
> > well as the necessary fittings, and the pump is
> > brand spanking new. I will be *very* surprised if I
> > have any trouble.  I will get to it by the end of
> > this week and let you know for sure, with pics.
> Yes, the part about the surrounding plastic is what
> throws me off in this fuel pump.
> If memory serves me well, I took a fuel pump out of an
> '86-87 Audi 5K CS wagon in the boneyard and it did not
> have the plastic surrounding. Then again, that was a
> Bosch fuel pump and not a Pierburg.
> Also that Bosch pump had hat looking canister on top,
> a noise reducer/ dampener?
> Should my car happens to be equipped with a Bosch
> containing such device and I replace the pump with a
> Pierburg, do I have to add that device to it; and can
> it be done or needed?
> By the way, Shokan has yet another Pierburg fuel pump
> for sale at the same price you bought your on E-bay.
> How long did it take for your pump to be delivered and
> how much was your total tag with the S&H included, if
> you don't mind me asking.
> -Best Regards,
> Louis
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