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Tue Apr 18 21:17:12 EDT 2006

relay the light in the ashtray!!  ;-)


--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> > - 86N is the power feed, switched either by the
> ignition, or better, by
> > the parking lights (*). 
> > (*): the reason for this is to have the fog lamps
> acts like real fog
> > lamps 
> If you do wire them this way, be sure to use the
> switch output to 
> trigger a relay, not light the bulbs.  Adding all
> that load to the 
> parking light circuitry could have ominous results.
> But I do agree, that's how one wants fogs to run -
> on with park, off 
> with hi beam.
> -- 
> Huw Powell

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