My red 5k-t-q

Tessie McMillan tessmc at
Fri Apr 21 16:31:54 EDT 2006

Hear! Hear! 

Although, I don't know that I'd go so far as to cut one to pieces. 
Ugliness can have its advantages.

If Ben's car was RED and it was within Washington state or on the Pacific 
coast, I would consider it, price be damned. Maryland is simply out of the 
question, and I don't really want a black wagon because it would be a heat 
sink. Price would be a consideration on that color.

But lest you think I'm squeamish, I bought my Alfa Spider (sight unseen) 
from California. Flew down on AK Air and drove her back partly via the 
cost highway. That didn't exactly qualify as an "easy two-day trip". More 
like hard drivin' till your eyeballs fall out, your right ankle goes to 
sleep, and you can't hear anymore. &:-D

in Bellevue, WA USA (note the WA -- that's on the left coast)

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, David Kase wrote:

> Yeah, the 200 is no beauty, that's for sure...I personally cut one to 
> little pieces for the 3B.

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