Alternate Compressors on a Type85?

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at
Sat Apr 22 20:50:42 EDT 2006

I had always thought it would be possible to mount a rotory compressor from
a 1988 - 92 80/90 5cyl. I assumed the brackets and compressor would mount on
the early 5cyl engine the same as the 2.3L engine. I sold both of my 4kq's
before I tried it (might still have the 90 comp and brackets). Maybe someone
out there tried this or maybe mounted an early compressor and bracket on a
2.3L block.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ti Kan" <ti at>
To: "David" <duandcc_forums at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Alternate Compressors on a Type85?

> David writes:
> > Well, my AC died. I suspect it's just a leak somewhere...but I need to
> > charge it up a bit with R134 with dye to find out where. If it turns out
> > the old York compressor is dead...
> What strange timing... I was just reading your article in the new
> issue of Quattro Quarterly... :)
> > I'd like to use something that weighs
> > less and is more efficient. I know that someone used to make an adaptor
> > bracket to allow me to use a Saden, but for the life of me, I can't find
> > it. I thought it was from but I don't see it there.
> Yes, has the adapter brackets.  They don't normally sell
> just the bracket alone (they prefer to sell whole conversion kits),
> but if you call them you might be able to talk them into selling you
> just the bracket and associated installation hardware.  The Sanden
> compressor it works with is the SD-5 series.
> > Anyone
> > know? I had another idea. Early 5Kts have AC Delco compressors, right?
> > any of them have the compressor on the lower passenger side? I'd lvoe to
> > use a trusty and cheap GM rotory compressor, prefurably the non-pancake
> > one. I've had GM  products and I will say...they have great AC systems,
> > if the Coupe had and AC system HALF as good as the one in either my 78
> > or 85 Impalas...I'd be dancing in the street. So, anyone care to comment
> > on manybe using the braket from and early 5K? Does it have to come from
> > a turbo? Will it even work? Thoughts?
> My '84 5KT has a AC delco compresor and it's a boat anchor.  Not sure
> if you'd be able to get one to fit in a type 85, but I would look at
> the Sanden first.
> -Ti
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