4kq temp gauge

Grant Lenahan glenahan at fastmail.fm
Wed Apr 26 20:36:58 EDT 2006

New audis do the same thing.  Middle or nothing.
On Apr 26, 2006, at 8:59 AM, L DC wrote:

> Robert,
> Interesting observation/input:
> "The Audi gauge is simply more sensitive (and
> informative) than your typical temp gauge, which often
> have big deadspots engineered in."
> So that's really true, huh?
> The mechanic to whom I used to take my car and who is
> VW certified, once told me the very exact thing about
> the VW/Audi temp senders/gauges.
> Contrary, once warmed up, my cousin's 93 Honda Accord
> and friend's '04 Corolla S' temp gauge both sit either
> just a tad below the middle mark or right on the
> middle mark. Thing doesn't seen to move even when fans
> kicks in, which rarely do really when idiling.
> My experience with VW's and Audis is different. Once
> fan kicks in, which does it quite often here in sunny
> FL, the temp drop is usually registered by a slight
> drop on the temp gauge, usually as soon as fan cuts
> off.
> As some of you know, I own an '87 VW Quantum Syncro,
> which shares the same engine/drive train as the 4KQ.
> In hot weather, which is practically most of the time
> here in South Fl, after warm up-some 7 to 10
> minutes-the temp gauge would sit at or just above the
> infamous red little light.
> My car has the *87 C thermostat, coupled with a
> *85/*93 fan switch. Temp sender sensor *120 C.
> Depending on how hot it is and, say, if under the sun,
> usually just the low fan speed kicks in.
> If under heavy load or traffic on a hot sunny day,
> both fan speeds would kick with the high speed on and
> off on and off. Low speed might stay on the whole
> time. Under such scenario, the needle on the temp
> gauge would oscillate between just above the red light
> and the 3/4 mark.
> I also have seen it climb slightly above the 3/4 mark,
> at which point I have gotten out of the car to see if
> high speed fan is running like a bat out of hell, and
> if not, then turn engine off and manual fan switch on
> while I probe to see what's keeping fan from kicking
> in high speed or low speed for that matter :)
> -Regards,
> -Louis
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