Sad News

Robert Myers bob at
Wed Aug 2 15:49:23 EDT 2006

Sad news indeed.  We have lost a friend who, like so many others, 
became a friend who most never even met face to face.  This is just 
like "our community" today - a bunch of friends who, for the most 
part, have never met.

//SFest is coming up in just over three weeks and, if I can get Miss 
Piggy running reasonably well, I plan on making the trip and putting 
faces with some names.

At 12:05 PM 8/2/2006, Mike Veglia wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>I have sad news to pass along.
>This morning I was surprised and saddened to read an obituary in 
>this morning's Santa Cruz Sentinel for long-time quattro list and 
>ur-q list member Anton Gaidos.
>A link to the remembrance:
>Mike Veglia
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at
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