V8 bumpers on a 200? doable?

Brett Dikeman quattro at frank.mercea.net
Fri Aug 4 17:23:39 EDT 2006

On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:12 PM, JordanVw at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/4/06 4:47:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com writes:
>> Yes doable - with the addition of the hood, clip, fenders and  
>> lights, it
>> will match up beautifully.
> well, i just want to swap the bumpers...  can i just put the V8  
> bumpers on a
> 200 without swapping anything else?  i dont want the V8 headlights,  
> grille,
> fenders or hood.  just the V8 bumpers...

No offense, but...which part of "with the addition of the hood, clip,  
fenders, and lights" did you not understand?  The answer is "no".   
The V8 is a larger car, the body panels are all different, etc.

Nevermind that it looks absolutely, positively, completely, HIDEOUS.   
Someone did it to a 200q20v a few months ago, and I nearly threw up  
when I saw the photos.  "Butchered" came to mind.


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