group gropes...

Robert Myers bob at
Sun Aug 6 13:54:57 EDT 2006

Look for me there, Bart.  At least that's the plan for now.

At 08:14 PM 8/5/2006, Unka Bart wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>Ingo wrote:

Snip happens.

> > But there are many of you that I haven't met, but I still feel a
> > kinship.
> > Who would have guessed ten years ago?  Certainly not me.
>Amen to that!  Although I've only made the Pike's Peak gathering in
>'97, that was a major event in my life and one I'd like to repeat.
>I've gone to Road Atlanta a couple of times and stayed in the Audi
>Corral there, but not too many of the folks there were members of the
>Quattro list and so it  just wasn't the same.
>Along those lines, who (besides me), if anyone, will be going to Road
>Atlanta for the ALMS series at the end of Sept?
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at
>Watch this space for ads :)
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urS6 for sale:

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