VAG: Outside temp gauge messing with my climate control?

Andrew Duane andrew at
Mon Aug 7 15:19:44 EDT 2006

Yes, that's the way it works. Luckily, the fix is either trivial or easy
depending on what is wrong.

The front grill outside temp sender sits on a little bracket held in
front of the air intake for the radiator. Often times, due to road salt
and much, the connect gets corroded. Look for green schmutz around the
connector. If it's there, pull the sender off, open a beer and spend 5
minutes alternating sips with steel wool or fine sandpaper rubs to clean
it up. If no schmutz, you may need a new sender, but they are not that
expensive, and easy to replace (just plug in).

On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 11:50 -0700, Steve Meyer wrote:
> Hello all!
> The patient is a 2000 VW Passat 4Motion. Outside temp
> gives me wrong readings, and when it reads low, my
> climate control will not blow very cold air. This is
> annoying when it's actually 90degrees and it's reading
> 30 degress!
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> slm
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