Unintended Acceleration - really happens
ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 10:42:38 EDT 2006
I once had an incident of UA on my '87 VW Quantum
Syncro in stop and go traffic in the highway some 3
years ago.
As I shifted into first and revved the engine to about
3K RPMs and shifted again into second, the revs just
stayed there. I immediately put it into neutral and
stopped the vehicle followed by shutting down the
engine right in the middle of the road (I could fo
that since its was a stop an go traffic anyway).
I popped the hood to take a peek.
Culprit turned out to be the cruise control's 1/2' or
so metal pin that attaches to the throttle control and
the that small vacuum canister. The plastic bushing
that holds the metal pin broke off as I accelerated
and the pin's end that hooks up to the vac canister
fell and got stuck next to the passenger side of the
valve cover.
I replaced said bushing with a metal clamp and has
worked great ever since.
--- "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese at massed.net> wrote:
> In the 80s most of the UA was found to be driver
> error. The accelerator
> pedal was usually found twisted. The driver was
> stepping on the gas thinking
> it was the brake.
> I was working at a VW/Honda/Volvo dealership. The
> Quantum was considered
> suspect due to the problems with the Audi.
> I had a bit of UA in my 92 Jetta. It turned out that
> the accelerator linkage
> needed a clean and lube. The older cars can
> definitely find unique ways to
> have UA.
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Jordan" <j8k3sp00n at gmail.com>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 4:01 PM
> Subject: Unintended Acceleration - really happens
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was the driver during unintended acceleration of
> my 5KT with over
> > 334,000
> > miles on it this morning. I mocked and scoffed at
> claims of it until now.
> > It happened after I drove about 5 miles on a
> freeway at moderate speeds,
> > turned onto an 8 lane boulevard, Laguna Blvd in
> Elk Grove, got off at the
> > wrong place, did a U turn, got back on the
> boulevard, and the UA started.
> > Traffic was light fortunately, I was able to break
> enough to make a right
> > turn at the the next light, then into a large
> parking lot which was mostly
> > empty. I drove to an isolated spot, pulled into a
> parking place, popped
> > the
> > gear shift out of "D" into "P" almost
> simultaneously turning off the
> > ignition. The revs built like crazy in the split
> second between getting
> > into "P" and ignition off. It was marginal if the
> brakes would have
> > completely stopped it if I really had to come to a
> full stop.
> >
> > It was unnerving to say the least. I immediately
> opened the hood/bonnet,
> > checked the throttle rod, throttle position,
> cruise control rod, and
> > tranny
> > to throttle rods. All were in their normal
> stopped positions. I had not
> > used the cruise control at all this morning.
> >
> > The most probable cause is that I used Gunk engine
> cleaner on the engine
> > yesterday and sprayed it off; maybe I didn't dry
> it out completely and a
> > linkage bound up temporarily.
> >
> > After the incident, I did my errands without
> further problems. However, I
> > can see how an inexperienced or panicky driver
> might have had a problem
> > with
> > the UA. I can conjure up images in my mind of
> someone going about 100 mph
> > down Laguna Blvd, dodging in and out of traffic.
> Couldn't wait for the
> > gas
> > to run out; the tank was just filled.
> Yahooooooooo!
> >
> > So there, now I've had my UA incident.
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> > Jim Jordan
> >
> >
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> >
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