85 4kq intermittent loss of electrical power

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 11:10:16 EDT 2006

Could be the alternator itself or its wiring??

When the battery icon lit up in my '87 QSW (same
engine drive train as yours), it turned out to be a
loose connection to the alternator.

I had taken the alternator off the previous day to
have it tested and guess did not tighten its wires



--- thorkq <thorkq at gmail.com> wrote:

> Howdy,
> So I'm coming home from a nice camping trip in the
> Sierra foothills
> yesterday when the engine starts cutting out. The
> first couple times
> it was very brief and I thought about adding some
> injector cleaner the
> next time I fuel up. But then the cutouts got longer
> and more
> frequent. I noticed that while the cutout was
> occurring I would seem
> to loose power to my accessories, like the turn
> signals, and the
> battery icon on the dash would light up. I would
> coast for a few
> seconds and everything would be fine, engine starts
> running, turn
> signals work, battery icon goes off. The last 60-80
> miles of the drive
> were uneventful and it's not exhibiting the same
> problems today. Do
> these symptoms seem familiar to anyone?
> Regards,
> Thor Heglund
> 85 4kq
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