Radar guns

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Aug 9 16:01:30 EDT 2006

Radar detectors are as useful as teats on a bull in many places around
the world.  In a few countries that have photo radar, they imbed a field
sensor into the asphalt, if you pass over the sensor above the speed
limit, the hidden camera is actuated.  The only way to protect yourself
is to go to a web site where the location of the cameras is listed and be
careful on those sections.  They still use the term "radar" even though
the embedded coil system has nothing to do with it, it's just a generic
term for revenue enhancement..err, I mean safety enforcement.  I've seen
the systems used in Spain, Brazil and Portugal.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. 
egroeg sirrah <sirrah_egroeg at yahoo.ca> writes:
> Now I want the answer to this one. My son moved out
> west to Alberta and they have camera radar. He also
> has a radar detector and thought he was soooo smart.
> He had wracked up $2,000 in tickets before realizing
> what was going on. 
> Cheers
> George
> > Behalf Of Tihol Tiholov
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 3:10 PM
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Subject: Radar guns
> > 
> > I'm behind on my radar gun reading and could use
> > some direction.
> > On a recent trip around western Canada went a few
> > times through speed
> > traps (unconsequentilally to me) and my more or less
> > classic, about
> > 10-year old detector remained, somewhat
> snip

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