Radar guns quattro Digest, Vol 34, Issue 37

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 14:06:21 EDT 2006

Unfortunately, the error may be a +/- thing. I'm about to test reaction
times on this years set of students. I'll have to see how to modify the lab
to see if the error remains consistent throughout a dual measurement.
Considering how often kids play at trying to stop a stop watch as some
stupid preselected (by them, they're playing, I'm ignoring) number, and how
inconsistent the results are, I'd venture there's a fair amount of error in
VASCAR, not like the revenuer's would care if the odds were in their favor,


On 8/14/06, Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
> > Damn, at 60 MPH (88 ft/sec) that's all of 2.27 sec of timing. Given that
> the
> > average TEENAGE reaction time is no better than 0.2 seconds (verified by
> > student labs I've done over the last 15 yrs over and over again, so,
> about
> > 900 students, I think an adequate sample based off of my old stats'
> > classes), there's easily a potential error at highway speeds of nearly
> 10%,
> > worse for around town speeds. What a SCAM!!!!
> Yes, but... doesn't any given "operator" exhibit the same error at both
> ends of the measurement?  If I were to have to push a button when a car
> went by "point A" and then again when it passed "point B", in both cases
> I would be the same amount "late" (probably 2-3 seconds in my antique
> condition!), making the measurement still valid.  The errors would
> cancel out, as long as my observation conditions, position of hand
> relative to button, etc., were the same.
> Of course, if I had to put down my donut and coffee for A, and my hand
> was right over the button for B, the error would increase the
> "calculated" speed.
> >>I heard alot about VASCAR and other similar timing systems, which are
> >>simple
> >>time & distance calculators.............
> >>
> >>The minimum distance recommended by one manufacturer is 200 feet.
> >>
> >>Good info to know............
> >>-Scott by BOSTON
> >>
> >>
> >
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> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/

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