Additional B3 90q Clutch Question

Bob Gregory rggpa1 at
Mon Aug 14 16:05:43 EDT 2006

Will clutch kit for '90 Coupe Q work?  According to
autohausaz, Both B3 pressure plates is 240mm; B3
clutch disc is 228mm while Cq is 240mm.  Also, release
bearing is same part # for both models.  Family
Pictures is (are?) inconclusive:  Cq clearly 240mm
disc and plate; 88 90q (NG) has pp noted as 228/240
with 228 disc.

Is it correct to assume that Cq clutch disc is
slightly bigger for 20v motor (~164hp, 157 lb/ft)
versus 10v (130hp, 140 lb/ft)? but that it will fit
90q 10v?

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