B4 90q Clutch vs Rear Main Bearing Seal

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 14 16:13:00 EDT 2006

or, try "seal rejuvenator" available from your flaps

some say it's snake oil but hey, for 5$ it's got to be
worth a try

--- Bob Gregory <rggpa1 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Now that the 90q is running again, the rear main
> bearing seal is very obviously leaking.  Not
> unexpected after 18 years and car having been
> sparsely
> used/sitting idle for so long.  With continued use,
> will oil get on the clutch or is the configuration
> of
> the motor/gearbox such that the clutch is somewhat
> protected? I have driven the car less than 20 miles
> (laps around the neighborhood only) since getting it
> running again.  The plan was to get the car
> inspected
> this week and have it as a daily driver again.  If I
> get the seal replaced soon, is it possible the
> clutch
> will be OK?
> Trying to evaluate if shop (I'm not doing this fix)
> should replace clutch (134K miles) while the gearbox
> is out for the RMB seal.  Original clutch still has
> life left, but may be ruined by this oil leak.
> Anyone familiar with differences/preferences for OEM
> RMB seal, vs silicone seal vs redesigned seal w/o
> spring (as listed on WorldPac sites)?
> Once again, TIA
> Bob Gregory
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