Timing belt ?

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Thu Aug 17 23:04:37 EDT 2006

Well I'm pretty sure that we are being baited but I can't resist.
> Guys, I couldnt make this up, and Im not an idiot. I do plenty of work
> on these things and lots of customization, I know what Im talking  
> about.
Not even debatable, at least in the negative.
> It as a seriously cold night (I remember it like yesterday), I was at
> the shop working on the car. I just did an alternator job on it and  
> the
> timing belt cover and valve cover were out getting powder coated. I  
> had
> to borrow a valve cover to get the car home since it would make a mess
> and Id lose my oil otherwise. My best guess is something kicked up and
> hit the timing belt but Im not sure (because it was unprotected), It
> didnt touch any of the other belts, even the new alternator one I just
> put on minutes before. Car was running (barely) and the top cam pully
> wasnt moving an inch. I have an .avi of it somewhere Ill try to dig  
> up.
> It really did get me home about another half mile, and I didnt see any
> reason why it wouldnt go for another half mile or more. Strange as  
> hell.
> When I got it home, I pull it into the garage and my buddy chris was
> there (also a lister I think). I told him what happened and I went to
> start it again and no go (not surprising).
> Ive had timing belts break on me 3 times, thats the only one that ever
> kept running on me. Also the only one that didnt have valves for  
> lunch!
> bob

This is very very simple. An Otto cycle piston engine with cam driven  
valve train will not run if the cam isn't turning. Period. If the cam  
pulley isn't turning neither is the cam. You are, quite simply,  
wrong.  This thread has now gone as far as necessary.

Had you not insisted that the cam pulley wasn't turning then I would  
have given you the benefit of the doubt and figured that the belt  
jumped a couple of teeth. But you dug your own hole.

E. Roy Wendell IV
erwendell at mac.com
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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