Blower Fan doesn't Blow

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at
Mon Aug 21 23:37:45 EDT 2006

There is a blower relay.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mboucher at Boucher" <mboucher70 at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:20 PM
Subject: Blower Fan doesn't Blow

> Just started day one of a vacation road-trip.  An our after leaving today
> the blower fan just stopped.  Tried turning it on and off to no avail.  A
> few hours later it restarted mysteriously.
> When it works, the AC works (if I select AC) and i get cool air.  When it
> doesn't...its hot.
> I'll try searching the archives, but was hoping someone might have a quick
> suggestion as to what I might look at to try and bring it back to life. 
> If
> the motor was shot, then would it turn on and off?  Is there a relay for 
> the
> blower motor that might be loose?  If the motor is sticking, is it 
> reachable
> easily to maybe bang it and see if that makes it turn, short of pulling it
> and replacing it?
> Charles,
> on the road to view whales in Tadoussac, and Hot
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