Parts Bin experience - heads up

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Aug 24 13:08:06 EDT 2006

I think a lot of the online vendors are like this, no stock of their own and
nothing more than front ends through which one can order.  For those that
are WorldPac dealers, even the search engine is not their own.

My FLAPS closed fairly suddenly but two others have emerged as viable
alternatives, offering geographic appeal in place of good treatment relative
to loyalty, at least for now.  One is a Bap-Geon which has more stock on the
shelf, but the manufacturer source of this stuff isn't always very
appealing.  One of the counter people from my FLAPS is now at Bap-Geon and
she still gives me preferred customer pricing, so all is not lost there.

The other is a CarQuest which I've learned is now a sister company with
World-Pac and they can get stuff in the same day if you call them early
enough.  They don't carry Pentosin products on the shelf, like Bap-G does,
but they can get them.

So a door closed, and two windows opened.  Neither is yet exactly what I
would call my FLAPS, but between the 2 of them, I'm pretty well covered.
One is even open on Sunday.  Both of these and Checker and Advanced Auto are
within about a 2 mile radius from my house.  A couple Saturdays ago, I made
a loop, doing various business at all 4 and it was not unpleasant.  My old
FLAPS was more than double the distance away from home than any of these and
in the local downtown district which can often be very challenging,

Since The Parts Connection went away, I haven't settled on one online
vendor.  I have probably ordered more from Sunset than any other since,
simply due to specific parts needed vs. availability.  I've used Autohaus AZ
in the past.  They seem to have a different parts source than the World Pac

It's almost time for an oil filter order... half a dozen each for V8 and
inline 5, and I'll add in some other stuff to benefit from free shipping.
Who's going to get my biz?  It'll be all about price and free shipping, I'm
afraid.  The nature of the biz?  World-Pac as an online Wal-Mart for car


On 8/24/06, Jim Jordan <j8k3sp00n at> wrote:
> Hi,
> A few days ago I bought 2 radiator hoses and an expansion tank cap online
> from Parts Bin;  the prices looked okay and all were labeled as "in stock"
> la de dah.  Deal went smoothly except that I got emails with about 4
> different order numbers but I ignored that.  Lo and behold a package
> showed
> up 2 days later.  What a deal!
> Then I opened the package and the fun began.  One of the hoses was missing
> and I began to check.  I talked to about 4 different call center wannabees
> that couldn't grab their gluteus maximus with their left hand.  I went
> online and found 2 tracking numbers, the 2nd of which was declared invalid
> by UPS.  I talked to UPS but they couldn't help.
> I finally got it.  Parts bin is nothing more than a front end for 30
> different warehouses.  I don't know how they allocate orders to
> warehouses,
> maybe by who's up next, maybe by price.  The final hose was allegedly
> shipped on 8/23/06 from a warehouse in Eastern New York State.  Late last
> night the tracking number info says it's "in transit".  The last mule
> train
> headed West, no doubt.
> So, here's the heads up.  If you're doing a project that would be best
> done
> with all parts available before you begin, forget Parts Bin unless you can
> live with the pacing item, the last item that is delivered.
> Cheers!
> Jim Jordan
> Patiently waiting in Sacramento
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