slipping ramps

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Aug 24 13:14:04 EDT 2006

This thread makes me smile.  It's about as close as we ever get to the
protracted discussions about floor mats and the like on other lists.  And to
me about as useful.  Sorry, just haven't had that much trouble with ramps, I
guess.  I use the plastic ones from WM (and other places).  The are wider,
have a much more gentle ramp, and aren't as heavy.  I had the front end of a
1974 Mercedes 280 up on them for 3 years and they still work fine for my
V8/Avant/CGT/urq collection.  I do have a set of homade wooden ramps that
are only about 3 inches high that I use to compensate for the incline of my
driveway sometimes.  But the metal ramps are pretty much useless anymore
with the tires that most cars have these days.  Even the 205's on my gf's
Firechicken seem too wide for them.  But it's too low for those ramps
anyway.  Free to good home.


On 8/24/06, SJ <syljay at> wrote:
> Here is what I use to get the car up on ramps without hitting the skirt.
> There are 3 seperate pieces to the gizmo: the "helper ramp", the steel
> ramp,
> and the wood 2 x 8 base.
> The ramp is located properly and kept from sliding with use of driven in /
> cut off nails.
> The "helper ramp" is positioned and kept in place with two driven in / cut
> off nails.
> Sometimes, the rear wheels need a lift.
> I might as well post this where it started . . .under the Jiffy lube topic
> SJ
> 85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
> 85 Audi 4k - - sold but still on the road
> 88 Audi 5kq
> 90 Audi 100q

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