head gasket failure - confirmed

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Thu Aug 24 13:51:42 EDT 2006

I concur...


John S. Lagnese wrote:

>Its got to be slight surface rust, so a hone should do the trick!
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "tmb" <the_questionist at yahoo.com>
>To: "audifans" <quattro at audifans.com>
>Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:41 PM
>Subject: head gasket failure - confirmed
>>well, the head gasket gave out, but thankfully it
>>wasn't because of a failure in the head.  it was
>>because of a couple big dents and scratches on
>>the surface of the head which happened while the
>>head was beign dropped into place.
>>assuming the head is salvagable, i'm going to
>>have it sent out to be skimmed.  i've already got
>>the 20V gasket ready to go and some stock
>>headbolts.  because quite a few hi-boost 10V
>>owners have recommended them, i'm going to be
>>getting the ARP head stud kit.
>>however, one thing that's causing me some concern
>>is corrosion in cylinder #5.  that's where the
>>head gasket failed.  it was pulling in all sorts
>>of coolant for about a week or 2, so it looks
>>pretty manky.
>>i'm going to assume that a quick honing will
>>clean it up properly, but that's only cuz i want
>>something to go right for me here...
>>i've included a link to the pix i've taken of the
>>head, head gasket, and block, so if anyone that
>>has been in this position before can offer me
>>some guidance, i'm all ears.  thanks again!
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David Kase
Engineering Manger
PDQ Industries
717-656-8749 (f)

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