[Fwd: Re: urQ/Coupe inner door seals : a substitute is found... question about URQ rear callipers]

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Fri Aug 25 08:39:08 EDT 2006

the subliminal message behind that is

"The Golf 2 is soooooo good that I'm trying to turn my
URQ into one" ;-)

Regarding your rear calliper issue I have a question
for the list:
Has anyone on the list tried fitting golf 4, passat 5,
etc ally rear
callipers to an URQ?
I have them on my golf 2 and the revised
mechanism seems much much less prone to seizing than
the 1980s stuff.
Just a thought....... there are enough of these
callipers about in scrap

Morte Couilles, j'ai oublié d'envoyer ça à la liste!
A bientôt

Geraint Lloyd 
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD
sticky "S" key and big 'word wrap' issues in

Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
> What to do when Audi wants 152$ for a simple
urQ/Coupe door seal (857
> 831 721) ? 
> Shop elsewhere...
> In this case, a Golf MkII 2 door was the donor. The
profile isn't
> exactly the same but they fit quite nicely. They are
even a bit longer,
> by about 6".
> Part number is 191 867 365C, for all Golf/Jetta
1985-1992 2 doors. 
> Price for new is expensive, 130$ each, but scrapyard
gems are available
> for 10$/pair... 
> BTW, all is not dark at Audi, since I found urQ
"blue" upper strut
> mounts for 44$ each... If they are the real thing,
this is cheap. Don't
> rush though, since there is only 5 in the country
(Canada), and I
> ordered 4 of them :-).
> Louis-Alain
> 1983 Quattro
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Geraint Lloyd 
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD
sticky "S" key and big 'word wrap' issues in Thunderbird

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