Power Window Switches (again)

Ameer Antar antar at comcast.net
Sun Aug 27 16:27:32 EDT 2006

There's no need to drill holes in the switches, all you need is a small jewlers screwdriver or something like that to open the case. I use a bunch of different sprays to clean out my switches. First I used regular old contact cleaner that leaves no residue to clean out any loose junk. Then I used De-oxit which actually chemically reacts to the corrosion. You have to let it do its thing for several hours. After that you'll see all the corroded material on the surface. Then I cleaned it with the contact cleaner again to get rid of that. Finally I spray a different type of contact cleaner which leaves a lubricating coating behind. The switches work perfectly and now the windows roll up and down like they should.
-------------------- Original Message --------------------

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:45:13 -0500
From: "darrell m" [rockstar54952 at hotmail.com]
Subject: Re: Power Window Switches (again)
To: glenahan at vfemail.net, AudiRob44 at comcast.net
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: [BAY108-F2477B6CAC17456945FB3E7F1450 at phx.gbl]
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

I got advice from an expert Audi tech about cleaning my window switches.
I used a machinists' inspection tool (like a dental pick) to open the
plastic on the switch enough to spray in some PB Blaster, worked the switch
back and forth numerous times and magically the back windows worked for the
1st time in 5 years. Very simple and cost effective fix for
faulty/dirty/gummed-up switches


'85 4KS

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