Solvent for orange headliner foam?

Max Hoepli mhoepli at
Sun Aug 27 13:31:37 EDT 2006

I've had that problem myself, the best thing is to vacuum and put a cloth
all over the car, remove the head rests, there are clips to remove by those
round black plastic head rest sockets, I kept those black clips off and
stored in a small container in the car. A skill is required to remove those
black metal clips.
For C$600 I've had the headliner replaced.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DeWitt Harrison" <six-rs at>
To: <erwendell at>
Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
Sent: 27, August 2006 11:53
Subject: Re: Solvent for orange headliner foam?

> I've had good luck in general with 3M adhesive remover. See:
> and also with any of the pre-painting prep type solvents as found at
> autobody supply stores or online at Eastwood Co., etc.
> These all seem to be aggressive but not so aggressive as to
> remove cured paint.
> I suggest the use of painters' cloths to protect the interior
> and good ventilation and nitrile gloves to protect you.
> I'm looking at the same job within a month or two. Please
> let us know how it goes. Oh, did you get the liner out in one
> piece alright?
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5kcstq
> On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 17:49:40 -0400
>         "E. Roy Wendell IV" <erwendell at> wrote:
> > In the process of removing my sagging headliner I got orange foam
> > bits everywhere. I vacuumed up what I can but some of the foam has
> > returned to it's original state as some kind of hydrocarbon based
> > polymer that can only be described as orange goo. Can anyone
> > recommend an effective solvent for this stuff so that I can sit on
> > the seats and not ruin clothing?
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